All Masses are in person or virtual. |
Misas en persona o virtual.
Parish Offices are opened to the public. |
Las Oficinas Parroquial están abiertas al público.
Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-736877. All rights reserved.
Our live streaming service is an outreach of the Parish's Liturgical Ministry and is specifically targeting those who, for reasons outside their own control, are unable to attend Mass or church events. For many homebound/ill individuals, this outreach reminds them that they are loved by their brothers and sisters in Christ and that they remain a vibrant and beloved part of our faith community.
For those who are interested in viewing live streaming of Mass for the homebound, or might know someone who would be comforted by this outreach, please refer them to this web page. Simply click on the PLAY ">" BUTTON in the middle of the viewing screen and select "Broadcast Schedule" to find the next scheduled broadcast.
Moreover, streaming feeds are archived on the website for about a month. So, missed a great homily or happening during a Mass? No worries, catch it again, or for the first time, with our "on-demand" feature found on this page. Simply click on the PLAY ">" BUTTON in the middle of the viewing screen and select "Previous Broadcasts" to bring up a list of previous broadcasts.
If this ministry has met your needs, or you believe in its potential to minister to our homebound and sick, please help us in support of our outreach program by spreading the word and encouraging its financial support.
Donations to support the costs associated with our live streaming broadcast service can be sent to:
Queen of Peace Catholic Church
320 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, IA 50703