Queen of Peace Parish was established July 1, 2002, when St. Nicholas, Evansdale; St. John the Evangelist, St. Mary and St. Joseph Parishes of Waterloo, merged. It was decided that St. Joseph church, which is located near downtown Waterloo, would be the main church for the new parish. The rectory building now houses the parish offices. For a number of years, the offices of the Episcopal Vicar for the Waterloo Region were located here also. The buildings and grounds of the other three parishes were sold.
This merger was a very difficult time for all of the parishioners because of the many difficult choices that had to be made. The local schools consolidated into the Cedar Valley Catholic Schools in 2001, and by 2005, all the parish schools associated with the four parishes were closed. Our students now attend schools in the Cedar Valley Catholic Schools system.
Rev. James Goedken and Rev. Kenneth Glaser were named the first pastor and associate pastor of the new parish. When Father Goedken died June 3, 2003, Rev. Dennis Colter was appointed pastor.
The Queen of Peace Parish community is a diverse mix of Hispanic and Anglo families. The Hispanic presence is made up of various cultures, the majority from Mexico and the rest from Central and South America. This group includes five indigenous groups whose primary language is native, their second language is Spanish, and English is becoming their third language. Integration of these immigrant families is facilitated by a Hispanic ministry coordinator in the parish who collaborates with the other ministries such as religious education. Also, with other parishes in the area, and with other social service organizations in Waterloo.